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Monday, April 30, 2007

Episode 66 - Get Angry.

Francis Scott Key & Mr Neutron Godeon - Morse United States National Anthem
VNV Nation - Standing
New Love Army - Boo Ping


12 Year Old Bjork - Bukolla
Frank Zappa - When The Lie Is Big Enough
Miranda July - Hotel Vous Le Vous

"To destroy an unjust law, it must be disobeyed"

Ministry - Lies Lies Lies
Revolutionary Grooves - Wake Up And Smell The Noise
Dead Kennedys - Where Do Ya Draw The Line

Read This. Get Pissed.

Charlie Chaplin - Speech From The Great Dictator
Pete Seeger - Which Side Are You On
Sing Along With JFK - The Trumpet
I'm Going To Kill You - Say Hello To SNEAKATTACK

Google "Immigration Prison Camp"

Against Me! - From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer)
Eric Idle - The FCC Song
The No WTO Combo - New Feudalism

Google "The Long Now Foundation"

VNV Nation - Nemesis
Senser - Ager Of Panic
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory - Wonkamobile/Wonkavision/Oompa Loompa

Behold The Cheese

David Bowie & Trent Reznor - I'm Afraid Of Americans
Revolutionary Grooves - We're the Sweeny son
Sunshine Blind - H4Y
Kill Switch... Klick - Sick Music
Revolutionary Grooves - George W

How long does it go on?

The Future Sound Of London - Herd Killing

GO out and read every news paper you can find.

Then draw your line.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Episosode 65 - Solving The World's Problems

Fleeble doesn't make it in. Mungo tries to solve the world's problems. Beep is scarred.

Partial playlist follows:

Fourth Wall Political Theater - March
Epoxies - Cross My Heart
Coquette - Lipstick Together Forever
12 Year Old Bjork - Arabadurangerin
David Arnold - Theme for Hot Fuzz
Gershon-Kingsley - Popcorn

Run-DOM.SEA - Grandmaster Black Flash
Prosaic Trenis Pucks - Dining On Ashes
Studio LaRoux - The More You Sell

Tom Waits - Walk Away
Brotherhood Of The Jug Band Blues - Jalapeno Witchie
Chuck "Wagon" Maultsby and his Old Band - Why don't we get drunk and screw

Shakespeare's Sister - Are We In Love Yet?
Moistboyz III - Great American Hero
Laibach - The Final Countdown
Sunshine Blind - Hanging Lake

Start Lovin on each other

Dylan Heard A Who - Green Eggs And Ham
Lancelot Link & The Evolution Revolution - Sha-La Love You
Billy Nayer Show - Chippy Chin
Killer Sweet - Telesammich
Phenomanauts - Space Jamboree

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Episode 64: Friday the 13th

Where my socks at?

killer sweet: deer experiment
god will fuck you up
chumbawumba: smalltown

Mungo smells funny

Danger Doom: space hos
prosaic trenis pucks: boo-bea-luvr
101 strings: Peter Gun

Lurking nightmare neck hairs

Old Man pie: the mucky
mika: relax and take it easy
Anna Voog: La Mama Diva

Massengil covered old men

VNV Nation: Testament
Suicide Comando: Hellraiser, VNV Nation remix
deprogrammed: cr0psurkilz


angels in agony: inner light
madam hair: chery pop
Momo Haruko: Mail Me


Wumpskut: ohn dich
mc nuts: daffodils
CFH: Tetris


Sero Overdose: Stay (sit, roll over! gooooood puppy!)
Alabama 3 and gary Lucas: I woke up this morning
Mister Freedom: Balls

Square root of peach

Camoflage: conversation
squeezebox sam: frankie

Do not flange internally

Episode 63: Back up to Speed!


alabama 3, something
Conceputol: Space invaders
Thorpe and sharp: aquamaniac

Beep drinking game

corvus corvax: salterello
Attilla the stockbroker: Russians at rthe henry regatta
rx at the party should I stay or should I go

Fuck you R4, happy birthday!

stromkern: slow cascade
beefhoven: vegemite
venus de mars: electric galaxies

Beep, shut up

tintin: kiss me, longest version ever!

Don't make Beep pee, you wouldn't like it if Beep pees.

Atilla the stockbroker: russians in mcdonalds (eventually)

Jason the crazy clown: here comes the crazy clown
frasier chorus: typical

Beep interviews short round

the rum circuis: when klaus comes
marga benitez: winos on parade

wooke star wars theme

mindless self indulgence: I like my coffee black
wake up and smell the noise
la vie c'est chouette: jodie foster

do't take acid and wage land war

16 volt: freedom of choice
atilla the stockbroker:russians in the dhss
the fighting cocks: love soebody, yes i do

Theme camps and vilages

rotersand: al in all (by the way, Fleeble is not on the market)
shaun landers:

coy sphincter winking self referential crap (Fleeble apparently didn't like that last bit)

The clown loves you (A request, not my fault)

nine inch nails: piggy
atilla the stockbroker: they must be russians
devision:still unknown

Fleeble's superpowers are intact

venus de mars: trashed and broken hearted

Monday, April 02, 2007

Episode 62: Chickenshine!


caustic: this track will be skipped a lot
killer sweet: time for clowns
Army Of Pie: Mutterings (good music to eat chicken to)

Cast Iron Hookers
Hot Swap Ceramic Willy is not a nightclub

camoflage: motif sky
the fighting cocks: marvin and tamara
chaos control: Amokk

8 kibbles to a bit
Menu foods and SoylentCo

angels in agony: inner light
Tricky the clown: tightrope walking
VNV Nation: Standing

trouble with bodies

Mungo: chickenshine
Mesh: an you mend hearts
Joan Jett: Let's Do it

Hot dog blues

sero overdose: Killer
Fruity Oaty Bar
VNV Nation: Legion (Janus)

Praise the Bean. The Bean is Good

The Miracles: Tears of a clown
Reverend Glasseye: the world is not my home sir
The Flying Tonkas: Crying Blood

Beeps nephew rules!

Jenny Rom Waka Laka (dear god I can't stop bouncing!)
Fighting Cocks: No fighting
Loose shoes: Loose Shoes

Stop.... space monkeys

Covenant: the world is growing loud
Sad Kermit: Something I could never have
Everyday Ensemble: Soldiers Lament

Tim Barskey and the Everyday Ensemble

Joachim Witt: Erst Wenn Das Herz Nicht Mehr aus stein ist (club remix) ... say that five times fast!
Pogo the clown: hellish synth modulation
Story Lady: Herbie the rat
Splinter: The Boston Cucumber Mix
