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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Episode 68 - DRM Pants

All caught up! Gimme a cookie!

I was in a serious 'mood', hell we all were, so this playist maaaaaay be a bit spotty. I would apologize but I am not going to.

Beep is p0wnz0rd

Stuff... you know... that one bit... it goes doo doo doodoodoo... by... someone
Alabama 3: Hotel California
George Jones: The king is gone

the rum circus: cherry

Can't stop the purple fur suit!
The New Commandments!
1) Granules Are Not Lubricant!
2) Don't Eat it!
3) Slide Clergy Button!
4) Survive the Homeless!
5) Holy Discharge!


frasier chorus: heaven
neuroticfish: your the fool
pet shop boys: minimal

6) Head Not Limb!

If that actually is the end of the book I'm killing Mungo

one billion dollars

the birthday massacre: the dream
ggallinsdick: chaostheory
Sad Kermit: Hurt

Tron is not a crime!

panzer ag: machinegun go go
dan deacon: moses vs predator
4th wall political theatre: mother goose step

more commandments
7) Keep Your Finger Out of There!
8) Voltage not Flavor
9) Fork Not Trash

Bauhaus: she in parties
smog: butterflies drowned in wine
epoxies: lose control


12 year old bjork: Johannes Kjarval (now with extra)
state of the union: unforgiving time
Weebls stuff: Happy Badgers

Final word of god
10) DRM Your Pants!


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