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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Clown Came, And We Were laid Low!

The Clown Came! EVERYWHERE! Clown all over the place! And you can get some too! Download your own pile of clowny HORROR! Everyone needs a SneakAttak brand CLOWNSHELTER! CLICK IT HERE, punk...

It's less a playlist, and more a black sheets party hosted by your grandmother.

Beep Builds Bomb Shelters For His Family

Deadsy - Tom Sawyer
Goth Minister - Happiness And Darkness
Scaterd Few - Space Junk

Beep Likes Your Shirt... it's mobile

The Vapors - Turning Japanese
Night Wish - Romanticide
Eff Cee - Perfect
Kill Memory Crash - Throw Up Your Mind

Document: X20755434
Recovered from the home of Hostile: B104235 "Wringer" : Superficial resemblance to Agency records but closer investigation of paper and Ink stock have revealed it to be a forgery.
Classification: Blue : Edited copy approved for use by Green level operatives.
Did someone call for me?
fl33bl3 is ranty, Eric Is Here, And The Fish Are On Fire
bEEp has no idea why the fish are on fire, it's a complete mystery really. Could have something to do with the Taser Wielding Laser Midget?
Knobs, Buttons, iffy Mic levels and Mungo's mom!
My mother was a saint!
yessss......Sister Perplexia, our lady of the dubious provenance.... riiight, a saint.

Momus - Space Jews
Jon And Al Kaplan - GI Jew
Electric Six - Synthesizer
Esquivel - Mucho Muchacha

The Pineapple is tight with a Ninja!
Describe THIS: Wherin our heroes challenge our guest to describe an object on the radio... riveting stuff...
Followed up with fl33ble eating the object.

A side note: those trolls, they ahve MIGHTY headmeats. Thick, and extremely difficult to gnaw through. I could not. And I am willing to gnaw through just about anything. Kudos to the manufacturer.

Unter Null - Your Nightmare (Everything Goes Cold - Corrected Mix)
t.o.y. - Just You And Me
Voodou - Doomsday (Buzz McCoy remix)
Haysi Fantayszee - Shiny Shiny

Lots Of Eric Talking But We Made Too Much Noise
If there is such a thing as too much noise. Oh, yes there is, oh yes...
Fish - Fire - Genitals - Yadda Yadda Yadda

Candy From Strangers - Just For You
See Colin Slash - X-Ray (Remix By Replogen)
Miranda July - Medical Wonder

Blah Blah Blah
Oh hush! You WILL appreciate Miranda July! I will crack open your skulls and with the milky lever of her words she will do squishy things to your screaming brainmeats!
No. I will NOT appreciate the Miranda July. it is not right. Not right, in many many not-right ways. No, I do not mean "so not right it's right", I mean NOT RIGHT. let there be no misunderstanding. MIRANDA JULY MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL. I won't say it sucks, for it does not, but it is akin to having my ganglia dragged across a cheese grater.

Eric Gottesman - My Friend Is Dead (Acoustic)
Simple - Back In Black
Trigger 10D - Play Nice
Space Ghost - What Day Is It?
Danger Doom - Space Ho's
Space Ghost - Zingor
Bill Bailey - A Love Song
Qntal - Lamento De Tristano
Qntal - Am Morgen Fruo
Reagan's Polyp - Revolutionary Consciousness

Talky Blah
Apparently the fish were still burning merrilly.
Who's this 'Will' guy?
at this point bEEp pretty much just loses it... does this surprise anyone?

Ask A Ninja - What Is Podcast

Even More Talk
Jesus I am annoying!
But Emo kids do have pretty bad hair...

Eric Gottesman - Cutting
Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good
The Cure - Primary
James Brown - Living In America

A Funny Story From Eric... eventually, after a whoooole lot of rambling and attempted genital signing

Mary Prankster - Mercyfuck (HELLO TO OUR FRIENDS IN THE FCC)
Eric Gottesman - Requiem For The Christian Era
Eric Gottesman - You Make Me Feel Like Morrisey (one and a half times)
Laibach - B Mashina
See Colin Slash - You And Your Commie Friends
Acumen Nation - Ventillator

Talky Talky Talky Talky Talky
Many Lies ((are we sure? we should be sure. check our facts and figures, tot up the data, cross our I's and dot our T's, that sort of thing...))
Aaaaaaand Fish on Fire...

Cyanotic - Suspension Of Disbelief
C/A/T - The Rogue Pair (V.1) -- Mungo spelled it "rouge"'s ROGUE! NOT ROUGE! Rouge is a pansy french pink, sometimes red, sometimes makeup, NOT STABBY STABBY ROGUE! *pant pant pant pant pant* Sorry, pet peeve there. yes, I did play a lot of warcraft. What of it? Just remember, ROGUE, not "rouge". Keep that one thing in mind, and I won't have to go berserk and start stabbing things and people.
Your point is valid.
Your point is pants. You're King Typo. Next week, all your songs will be listed as ********** - ***** ******
mmmmhmm...and If I'm captain ***, you'll be captain DeadAir. balance of power, aint it cool? Course, you COULD always just kick my arse off the show. hhmmph.
I dunno...watching he shrieks of horror and agony after each "SKRONKEEEEEKOOONNNNK" was prettty damn funny. I think next time, I might say you've been turned down, and leave you up, just for variety's sake.

Gram Rabbit - Cowboys And Aliens
Frazier Chorus - Anarchy In The UK
The Phenomenauts - Earth Is The Best
Red Elvises - My Darling Lorraine
Ludachrist - This Party Sucks

Talky Goodby. I would have actually written something in here, but today I am seized in the vice like grip of bitterness, paranoia, and deep deep depression. So the hell with it.

Infacted - Vox Celesta

And that is that kids.....
Comments from the peanut gallery are always welcomed.

Damn I am annoying!
Verified New Listeners This Week:
Horrifying Abuses of English Language this Show: too many to count
Flaming Fish on Firey Fire: Many Many Lots

The language was asking for it, look how it was dressed!
Link Updated. Podcast updated.
Kill you all in the face.

Looking over the edits in code that have been used here, it is VERY plain to me that we need a effing STYLE GUIDE. So....

#1 - Do not use RGB color indicators...(ex: rgb(255, 153, 0)).

#2 - do not insert extra hard returns in text. Blogger seems to interpret those rather enthusiastically, and it makes for a lot of dead space on the type. Dead space bad. Dead space makes designer fleeble cry with sad. Please do not make designer fleeble cry with sad. Only use a hard return when you actually want to break a line, and only insert an extra hard return when you want to break a paragraph block.

#3 - We each need to pick a color for in-list comments. I choose yellowy orange, beep shall be blue, and mungo shall be green. The web-color designations are as follows - Fleebly orange: FFCC66, Beepy Blue: #0099FF, MunGreen: #66FF66, Musical Listings: #CC99FF. If you absoloutely have to know the RGB breaks on these, for whatever reason, please visit Visibone is the place to go for all things webcolor. It is also recommended to visit Visibone if you want to pick a different color than what I've set out here. And I know that you will.

#4 - keep a paragraph break (a.k.a. extra line) between musical listings, and all in-list ranting. Do not place paragraph breaks between in-list rants. Keep them together.

And that is about all....

This might sound really pretentious and shit, but trust me, it'll make things soooo much nicer to look at. Really, it will. Obviously, this post is kinda too messed up to go back and totally re-edit, but as of next post, I'll follow this guide.


Like hell. MunGreen is #34cd00. Like this.


Blogger Fl33bl3 said...


2:06 PM  
Blogger Will Robot said...


I think something might be wrong with my brains

3:03 PM  
Blogger A Terrible Idea said...


3:22 PM  
Blogger Fl33bl3 said...

I have only one thing to say about this show....

DAMN we're good.

das fleebermeisterswindon

6:22 PM  

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