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Monday, April 24, 2006

Sneak Attack Citizens, Unite!

We don't think that Dusk (the DJ before us) knows we have been cancelled.

So, our plan tonight is to show up at the studio, and see if we can BS our way in and onto the air for tonight.

If it doesn't work, hey. No problem. We go back to Fleeble's living room, cut a new show and have it up for upload tomorrow. But either way, support Sneak Attack. Tune in tonight. If we get on to the air, rock and f'n roll. make sure you're taping it for the inevitable but hilarious interruption as Monkey drives to the studio to kick us out. It could be a hilarious coup, and it'd probably irritate our new overloards greatly.

And, if we don't make it onto the air, call in to complain - 415.970-0698

And check back here for a fresh podcast tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please elaborate!

what do you and live 105 have in common?


9:42 AM  
Blogger Fl33bl3 said...

What do we have in common?
gee, thats a toughy...

oh, wait, no, we do play she wants revenge, and occaisionally a song by beck, which live105 ALSO plays, but beyond that...

let's see..they're pros, we're three maniacs with vodka, beer, redbull, and a winking handful of technology - they get paid, we pay station dues to come and play - they have to do what their masters tell them, while we can do whatever the hell we want.

so really.
not a blesed thing in common.

Aside from a couple songs.

but we do have fun.


9:53 AM  

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